Bill Graziano - Blog post that provided the groundwork for MERGE statement generation.No copyright infringement is intended and I will of course respect his wishes if asks for this to be removed. I made a number of attempts to get in touch with Vyas but unfortunately have not been able to reach him. This procedure was adapted from "sp_generate_inserts", written by Narayana Vyas Kondreddi ( ). Enter test data into your Dev environment, and then generate statements from the Dev tables so that you can always reproduce your test database with valid sample data.Schedule this as part of a SQL Job to keep all of your environments in-sync. Generate statements from your Production tables and then run those statements in your Dev/Test environments.The generated statements are re-runnable, so you can make changes to the file and easily migrate those changes between environments. SQL file in source control/add it to a Visual Studio Database Project and use it as part of your Dev/Test/Prod deployments.

#Redgate apex sql generate update#
If the source row already exists in the target table and has changed, an UPDATE is performed.If a given row in the target table does not exist in the source, a DELETE is performed.If the source row does not exist in the target table, an INSERT is performed.When the generated MERGE statement is executed, the following logic is applied based on whether a match is found: This includes the removal of any excess rows that are not present in the source. The generated MERGE statement populates the target table to match the source data. It was adapted for SQL Server 2008 from Vyas' INSERT generation proc, originally written for SQL Server 2000 (see acknowledgements below). destination table) by including table-join logic based on primary key information in the system catalog. The produced MERGE uses a multi-row VALUES clause containing all the source table data, matching existing data in the target (ie. This stored procedure produces a MERGE statement for a given table.